Friends and Flags (Archived Version!)

 Dedicated to cultural diversity and global collaboration

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Package Preparations


Learning Outcomes


Friends and Flags  Project Information

Everything you need to know about Friends and Flags is available in this online project guide. Just choose an item from the list on the left, or scroll down this page to read the most frequently asked questions. If you have a question that has not been answered in these pages, contact : Karen Eini    

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Friends and Flags all about?

What are the project objectives?

How does this project work?

What is the project  timeline?  

Does it cost anything to join? 

What are the benefits of this project?

What is Friends and Flags All About?

Friends and Flags is a collaborative learning project which  engages classes in a dynamic  many to many exchange with international partner schools.  The main theme of this exchange is  multi-cultural awareness  which fosters   mutual respect,  tolerance and communication.  

Upon registration  teachers  have the choice of being placed in  any one of the following international learning teams

 Pair - 2 countries                                                                     Triangle - 3 countries                                                              Square- 4 countries                                                                    Circle-  6 countries

Partners are  placed in international teams according to grade and age level and students from each country  collaborate with their peers while assuming  the role of young ambassadors.  

Various technologies are used for the duration of the project such as, email, email lists, and voice mail. The project website, is the community meeting point for all members and hosts  the project forums, chat rooms, galleries, activities and much more. 

Though Friends and Flags is an Internet project at heart, the project format also relies heavily upon traditional post,  which enables equal learning opportunities for all members, regardless of any technological limitations.  Each class is responsible for creating and mailing     Friends Packs, one for each of the partners in their team. These packages are rich in content and reflect the students' cultural environment.  A major component of each package is a  country guide book which is written, illustrated, designed and produced by students in every class. A comprehensive teachers kit is sent to every participant upon registration and includes suggestions for project implementation. 

What are the Project Objectives?

1)  Curriculum and Real Learning: To provide opportunities for student involvement and  "ownership”  which  strengthen  core and extended curriculum and  enable learners to apply their learning in real-life exchanges

2)Global  Collaboration: To facilitate effective global collaboration  between youth, to provide a framework for  an authentic meaningful exchange 

3) Communication and Research Skills: To encourage students to practice various computer communication skills  as they interact in a dynamic online environment, to strengthen  research skills  as they consult various sources of information  (Internet, encyclopedias, atlases, newspapers, library..)    

4)Cultural Exchange: To encourage mutual respect, tolerance , and appreciation of cultural diversity.

5)Authentic Language Learning: To enable  EFL students to  use and enhance their English skills for authentic communication with a global audience. 

How does the project work?

1. Teachers register classes  provide relevant information         ( contact email/ grade level /postal address.) and specify the size of learning team they would like to join. 

2. Project Coordinator places participants in international groups according to age level. All team partners are notified in an email of the other  members in the circle. Members receive email attachment of F&F teachers kit  which provides additional information, suggestions, links and organizational tips. 

3. Members join yearly project email list, for communications between teachers.

4. Partners touch base with each other and introductions and descriptions are sent by teachers to members of their circle. Teachers invited to participate in scheduled chat sessions during the project.

5. Depending on email access , teachers match students either individually or in groups for student email correspondence.

6. Partners prepare packages , including the cultural guide which reflects the whole country.

7. Partners prepare 1 patch for official F&F Multi-cultural Quilt 

8. Partners invited and encouraged to  participate in interactive  F&F community by submitting project work, games, pictures. 

What is the projects timeline? 

June-August: Online Registration

Sept-Introductions between teachers- students

Sept-January: Package preparations

January: Sending of Package

September -July: Online activities 

Does it cost anything to join?

No, there is no registration free. The only costs that you will have are for the production and mailing of your packages. This is each partners responsibility. Many partners have applied and received local  grants for participating in Friends and Flags. Please check with your school administration regarding the expenses for your participation in the project. 

 What are the  benefits  of joining the project?

  • You and your students will belong to a special community of global citizens committed to world collaboration.

  • You will develop friendships with  colleagues in different countries. 

  • You will have many opportunities to participate in exciting online and offline activities

  • You will be able to adapt the project to your curriculum and  student population 

  • Your students will have a global  audience to  appreciate their efforts

  • You will receive a Friends and Flags Certificate of Participation

  • You will receive  tangible and authentic products from other countries for your classrooms

Doncrest Public School, showing off the package received from Israel

Project Implementation

Friends and Flags is a very flexible project and has been implemented in many different ways from a single class project to  a school wide challenge! Schools, youth groups and summer camps have all adapted to the project to suit their needs. Read about how teachers around the world make Friends and Flags Project Work for them! 

Read Teachers Stories




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