Friends and Flags Teacher Chat Transcripts Dec. 1. 2002: Guest Speaker Lynn Manning Ross karen> so..how is it going Lynn? .Marsha Goren> Hi janet <Lynn Manning Ross> Hi Janet, are you a teacher ~ from where <Janet> Hello, Yes and on an old laptop since OS X won't work. <Janet > I'm from Oak Park, Illinois, just outside chicago <Marsha Goren> Lynn, I am going to Rome on Thursday night, <Lynn Manning Ross> <Lynn> LOVE Oak Park! <Janet > Me too - can't imagine how great it is to be going to Rome <karen> marsha is so lucky <karen> she deserves to be chosen..doing great work with her kids <Lynn Manning Ross> <Lynn> I thought of you this morning Marsha, and ironically saw a travel show about Italy last evening ! [Sun Dec 01 14:14:25 CST 2002] Karen Leonard: Marietta, Georgia USA <karen> Hi Karen! <karen> Welcome to the chat <Marsha Goren> Hi Karen from Georgia <Janet > My friend Lina from Rome told me about last year's awards. It will be a great time. <Karen Leonard> Hello How are you all? <Lynn Manning Ross> <Lynn> where are you from K. L. ? <Marsha Goren> Janet, thank s for the encouragement <Karen Leonard> I am from Marietta Georgia <Janet > Hello Karen L. <Marsha Goren> Lynn tell us about your book. How is it going? <Karen Leonard> Lynn, Yes, Georgia in the US <Karen Leonard> I am in circle 41 with Orit from Israel and Elena from Cananda <Janet > How funny, I automatically thought Georgia in Europe <<karen> And Karen is in a circle with Elena from Montreal, where I grew up..small world eh? <<Karen Leonard> Marsha, where in Israel are you from? We think about you all over there a lot when we hear the news. </<<karen> ok..Lynn would you like to begin? <<karen> Lynn would you like to begin by telling us about the book? <Lynn Manning Ross> The book is titled Word Kids Cook Out. <<Lynn Manning Ross> I want to capture 50+ countries via something we all have in common-holidays/celebrations and eating <Lynn Manning Ross> I also created a Teacher's Activity Plan and a chart for conversions <Lynn Manning Ross> One of your teachers F/F Karrie Dietz/Uzbekistan posted a success story about the project <Marsha Goren> Sounds great! When do you think it will be published? I am excited ! <karen> Karrie is the teacher from Uzbekistan going to Rome with 3 kids like Marsha <Lynn Manning Ross> It is a long process. Book like any product are developed about 18 month ahead of release I envision the book also being a fund raiser )It would be 'cool' if it could also continue to be a living document...via web < Lynn Manning Ross> At one point in the future I will do a nonprofit (Yes And create a competition whereby teachers can profit karen> Once its released I could promote it for you on F& <Karen Leonard> so you have put all of the information together and are just now waiting for publication or is this still an ongoing process
< <Karen Leonard> i would love to be a part of this if you still need information <LM Ross> Answering KL: Would you like to do the Am. Indians? <Karen Leonard> i am sure that we could gather info for you <LM Ross> To KL: Please email me at lmr2@incom.net <Karen Leonard> lynn, let me know what kind of info you need <<LM Ross> Will do. I have a teachers Activity plan. or I can call you on the phone <<karen> Lynn thats great..you see..im pleased that worked!! <Marsha Goren> Lynn will the book include any of the decorating and designing that the kids use on their recipes <LM Ross> To Marsha: Yes <<LM Ross> <Lynn> I honestly believe that it is possible to focus the world toward love and acceptance versus hate <. <LM Ross> <lynn> Good Luck and lots of hugs <..LM Ross> <Lynn> Karen, thank you so much for the chat today. And I enjoyed <LM Ross> I will sign off with love to all ~ <karen> :) thats going to be a great moment Lynn, when the book comes out.ill get a screen shot of it for the site, <karen> thanks for spending the time with us.. <LM Ross> You are gift to the world Karen <karen> thank you....thank you..