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Celebration of Online Shared Learning Award from Global Schoolnet Foundation

I am struggling to find words to describe the way I felt during the days that I spent in Texas at the NECC2002 . I guess the closest description I could think  of would be ..that I was floating. I was so happy and excited that my heart felt like it was going to burst, my eyes kept filling with tears of joy and I felt like I was floating, not walking but floating for the entire time.

On Sunday afternoon , June 16th, I was warmly met at the airport by Al Rogers, Lisa Monteith and Barbara Haines,  members of Global Schoolnet Foundation. After checking into the hotel and freshening up, I was picked up by Barbara and Lisa for a delightful Mexican dinner on the Riverwalk  . Here I had the chance to meet and get to know the other wonderful board members of the  Global Schoolnet Foundation.

On Monday morning I had a great time listening to Lily Tomlin who was the keynote speaker that day. Then I spent time checking out the  NECC exhibit hall which was huge!!!!! I visited great vendors and collected all kinds of software for F&F pilot programs! Monday afternoon I joined Al Rogers and Yvonne Andres in a workshop session held off site at Alamo Heights High School :

Yvonne and I presenting : Online Collaborative Learning: Awesome Tools and Proven Strategies. Monday night we went to the Far West Rodeo!!! I learned line-dancing and watched cowboys riding bulls!!! :)

Tuesday morning was the big day when I received the award in front of thousands of people!! We  had rehearsals at 7am in the morning. I didn't even trip on the stage or on my lines! "Dreams come true, when people dream together. I thank the Global Schoolnet Foundation for supporting me in promoting effective multicultural collaboration in an effort to secure a brighter and more peaceful future for the young leaders of the next generation".         

Yvonne presenting the GSN award and then the thank you speech!!

                                                     How about shopping and then lunch on me!!

Tuesday evening was the Birds of a Feather session where we spent some time sharing our common interests and getting to know one another

Yvonne, Donna and guest teachers  Pakistan and  Egypt    Karen and Jay good GSN friend.

Wednesday  morning Yvonne and I held an additional Collaborative Learning  Session . At the end of the session  Yvonne presented me with the most beautiful Global Schoolnet Foundation Online Shared Learning Award Plaque! Then Wednesday night...Al and Kay Rogers, Jay Bryant and I went out for a celebration and goodbye dinner!


I thank the Global Schoolnet Foundation and F&F partners and friends for making June 16th-19th an incredible and unforgettable time in my life.  --- Karen Eini

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